Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Note to self,

We are regular users of the product Gummy Vites at our home. I feel they are a good source of vitamins and fun as well.

I don't usually do the buying, but I had a coupon so I picked one up. But like most men, I made my selection based on the brand picture instead of reading the label. Yes, apparently there are different varieties and I got the wrong type. This one is a brain type with Omega whatevers, and I wanted the basics. You know like, C-D-E-A, the usual players.

I decided to return it and get the one I really wanted. But I found out something that maybe you knew but was news to me.

Gummy Vites left in your car with the windows up on a 95 degree day melt into a single, multi-colored, Vite.

Who knew...

So my note to self is; when going on vacation this year, don't buy gummy bears for the trip. Pass on this valuable info to friends and family.


Yule {b}Log said...

When we were doing the vitamin drive for Nicaragua, we had to specifically ask for the chewable non-gummy ones. They melt there, too.

Youthful One said...

Wow. How do you measure a dose of that?

gundul said...

♥Deddy MAt'c Jogja♥