Sunday, August 31, 2008

Prostitution Bad!

Have you ever picked up a hooker? I have. No, it's not what you think. I think. I was given a single ticket to see Dire Straights in concert. In case you are under 40 they did "Money For Nothin". Call me I'll sing it for you. Any way, since I was going solo, I parked kinda far away to avoid parking fees. Enjoyed the concert, left, walked to my car and drove away. With music still pounding in my head, and my ears still ringing, I pull up to the stop light. Downtown, MLK, in a VW Baja. The light is red and two girls, not just one, walk up to the corner. Mr. happy go lucky, (me) sees them, they look at me, I look at them, I look at the light, it's red. Here's where it gets weird. Since the light is red, and they are looking at me like I'm gunna jump the curb and run them down, I motion them to "go ahead, cross the road." They saw this as "something else." They run to my passenger door, which is unlocked and start climbing in. I am trying to stop them but they don't pay any attention, small car and all. The light has turned green, and the car behind me is now honking, furiously. I drop the clutch and drive away, with two girls, one in the front and one in the back. Propositions are made. Many thought are now racing through my head. Number one is I'm going to jail. Number two is I'm going to lose my car. I loved that car. I put my blood into that car. Number 3, how do I get rid of these two? In that order. Keep in mind where my spouse works. Oh yeah, she dispatches for 911. Can't you just imagine my phone call to her following the police calling her at 911 dispatch saying "we have your husband on prostitution charges!!" "Honey? Can you come get me out of jail? I can explain everything..." So, long story short, I pulled into a fast food place two blocks down and simply said "out of the car, now!" They got out and I drove away. What's the lesson to be learned here? PAY-TO-PARK. Or is it lock your doors? Or don't talk to strangers? No pictures, no video. Whatever, it was a great show....Money for nuthin' get your chicks for free.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life experience

I believe children should experince life. I have spent my life trying to give kids an opportunity to experince the world around them. My kids, my grandkids, neighbor kids, it doesn't matter to me. Secretly I feel like all kids belong to me. I think it's because we are the same height. I know sometimes I push the bounderies of safety and common sense, and things can get a little risky at times (need a baby sitter?) but hey, how are you going to get experience without doing. So, because everyday is a school day, what do you get from this video? Did I teach buoyancy? Or did I go with boater safety? Nope, I simply told everyone "don't drown".
I also believe everyone needs to catch a fish. Do you need to now how to be a good fisherman? No. Just catching a fish at sometime in your life is all you need to do, to be able to say, "I used to go fishing when I was a kid." Out of all the things my gkids and I did on this event, this was by far Mason's favorite. Rest assured, he was on my lap, and my foot was on the brake, and we were on a private, gravel road. He was totaly empowered. Remind me to tell you about when he said "Grampy! Hand me the chain saw!"

Give your experience to the next generation. Be you an artist, computer whiz, dancer, excellent cook, terrific home schooler, gardener, missionary. Live, love, laugh...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A boy and his dog.

Mason and I went to Hornings Hideout today, to check it out for camping. When we turned off the highway, I let Mason get on my lap and drive the rest of the way on the gravel road. So far so good. We park, get out, and I go to the back to make sure Digger doesn't jump out and chase the peacocks that were near the truck. All I found was an empty collar that used to have a dog in it. Mason immediately fell apart. We get back in and start back. I can't remember the last time I saw her in the mirror. She lays down and I can't always see her. I have visions of never finding her, because her tag is on her collar. I also picture her lying dead, or worse, dying on the side of the road. Did she jump out on the freeway? What would I say if we found her all mangled and broken. Yikes!! She does have a chip, but you would have to take her in to have it scanned. She is too good a dog for someone to not just want to keep her. Especially way out in the country. We drove about 1/4 mile and she was coming around the bend in the road, with her tongue and tail waggin'. Mason thru his arms around her and cried openly and long. Broken only by "I was so worried about you". The rest of the day was funer.